Create New Customer Account
Please enter your details in the fields provided below; all asterisk marked fields must be entered. Following successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email providing instant access to the service using your unique, secure log in details.
The majority of orders placed in Stanfords Portal will be delivered to the My Orders section of your Portal account for you to download in compressed format (Winzip, Winrar or similar is required to access your order). On occasion, we may need to post your order to you on CD due to file size so please complete the Delivery Address section as well as the Invoice Address section below.
Stanfords Portal has been tested and is compatible with the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers – please log in to Stanfords Portal using either of these browsers to ensure the mapping and all functions display correctly.
If you would like to be invoiced on a 30-day credit account for subsequent orders please tick the relevant box below. Please note that this facility is only available to repeat business customers based on expected annual map purchases. Please contact our Service Centre Manager on 0330 912 7435 / 0161 507 7207 to discuss further. The only charge for this call will be your phone company’s access charge.
If you are a company representative, create a company account to be able to manage subaccounts and other B2B features.